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Monday, November 8, 2010

Thank you snakeyes12! (:

Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you what amazing friends you all are. One of my good friends snakeyes12 made this heart warming poem for me :) I love it! Thank you snakeyes12! Your a truly awesome friend(:

~hugs~ :') You are a really sweet Cho snakeyes!


  1. Aww thanks so much allstar0014 i totally owe it to you! :') You are the best :)I Cant thank you enough for all the support ;)

    P.S hechmex1 thanks for the support to you are really nice :'')
    You both really are.. well so much that i can describe you guys! I WANT TO THANK YOU BOTH ~HUGS~~


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Sweet Chobot Award

Here are the Chos that have won the Sweet Chobot Award:

